Dress Code

- Students are to wear their approved uniforms to all school activities unless announced otherwise by the administration.
- Students are required to wear polo style shirts of any color (solid or striped), that extend at least two inches below the waist.
- Shirts, jackets, and sweatshirts should have no writing on them, and any insignia such as brand labeling must not be larger than two inches by two inches.
- On Fridays, students are allowed to wear “Spirit Shirts”, which are shirts from school or church activities, programs, and events. Example shirts include, but are not limited to, ones from the school’s 5K run, summer camp, Pathfinders and Adventurers, and the academy.
- Hoodies and sweatshirts must only be the type with a zipper in the front. Pullovers should be left at home. Hoods should be left down while inside a building.
- Pants may either be nice jeans or uniform style pants. Leggings or “jeggings” are not to be worn in place of pants. Pants or skirts should not drag the floor or be tight fitting, dirty, faded, frayed, excessively patched, or torn. No hip-hugger or sagging pants may be worn.
- Dresses, skirts, and shorts should come to the knee and be modest. Shorts are recommended to be worn under skirts and dresses.
- Students are to come to school clean and neat, including their hair and clothes.
- Jewelry, obvious makeup (including nail polish), extreme haircuts, and hair colors are to not be worn at school.
- Hats and other headgear must not be worn in the buildings.
- Footwear must be close toed with an athletic bottom for running.